香港 Medium 作者聚?
Medium Writers meet up in Hong Kong?
I am not quite sure I am the person who shall call for this. But I am curious enough to call a meet up among Medium Writers in Hong Kong.
Certainly something similar happened in Taiwan in December 2017, so we can take that as reference.
第一步,不如有誰興趣一起參與組織,就發respond,把你的聯絡方式直接在post寫下,或者發來 info <at> gaus <dot>ee,我們會想個辦法聯絡你。如果你不介意把你的名字列入該列表,不妨著名,否則我先當你傾向匿名參與。
So first step, if you also interested to organise it, please respond this post, leave your contact on the post or send via email to info <at> gaus <dot>ee. We will try to sort out how to build up a small group on SNS to work it out
Who now already on board.